Night Walk Tours

Night Walk Tours
Price for students with valid ID
$ 20 p.p & Regular $ 22 p.p
Pick - Up: 5:30 pm 

The tour begins at 5:30 PM, just before nightfall, when the creatures are just beginning to wake up. In addition to a flashlight, each participant is given an animal-identification card. These cards explain the various creatures they’re likely to see, and will help tour takers spot and recognize the various animals, insects and amphibians within the reserve. These include snakes, spiders (most notably, hole-dwelling tarantulas), blue-crowned mot mots, agoutis, porcupines, tree frogs, and more. Naturalist guides will explain the reason that these creatures’ habits (most of which involve feeding or breeding) are best suited for the dark.

The tour ends around 8:00 PM. The cost of the tour is $20 p.p & $22 p.p, which includes a guide, entrance fees and round-trip transportation from most Monteverde hotels


Is a place where there are many species of wildlife includong raccoons, olingos, Sloth, Coatis, Reptiles, amphibians,and a variety of insects such as butterflies, beetles, and crickets.